Apparatebau-Münster GmbHKaddenbusch 2
25578 Dägeling
Germany Industrial sector
- Machine construction, environmental technology
Fields of application
- Water and wastewater purification
- Machine and steel engineering
Products/Technologies/ServicesCoarse screen and cleaning machines
- With gap widths >19 mm
- Channel depths up to 40 m
Container retract mechanisms
- Rail-borne cars
- Swivels
- Lifting platforms
- Inclined lifts
Railroad technology
- Hand luggage conveyor belts (sole supplier to Deutsche Bahn AG)
- Appliance and equipment for track vehicle work shops
- Transport and assembly device tools for air conditions, wheel rotor discs, wheelsets, buffers
Commissioned production (steel, stainless steel, aluminium)
- Steel engineering, machine construction
- Sheet metal forming (production of casings, folding of profiles, etc.)
- Cutting operation (turning, milling, cleaning grooves)
- EN ISO 9001:2000
- Welding Certificate

Water purification all over the worldApparatebau-Münster GmbH is specialised in the development and production of rake cleaning machines which clean water and waste water mechanically – in over 20 countries on 4 continents. The principle to collect and transport raking goods by machine in sewage treatment plants and sewage pumping stations, as well as water-power plants, cooling and drinking water dispensing stations has been approved. Consumers of the in Dägeling manufactured unique pieces are situated amongst others in the Netherlands, Italy, Uruguay, China and recently also in former Yugoslavia. The plants from Dägeling are characterised by an above average high lifespan and reliability.
Apparatebau-Münster also takes care of removing the raked waste: with rail-borne cars, swivels, lifting platforms and inclined lifts which ensure an economical and safe transport of the heavy containers. Needless to say, that these plants can be combined individually and can also be used to transport other materials.
